Copyright © 2015. Dockside Field Spaniels. All rights reserved.
My name is Linda. My husband, Patrick, and I reside in central Ohio with our pet cockatiel, Sydney and Ellie (CH Promenade's Evening Attire DCKSD), Docker (CH Promenade's Port of Call DCKSD) and Myah (U-CH Windward Sail Away Sweet Sister, DCKSD TD). We're also active volunteers with the USCG Auxiliary and enjoy boating and RV camping as hobbies as well.
Many years ago we began researching the various breeds of dogs, knowing we wanted another dog in our home, one who was medium sized and hopefully enjoyed being around the water....given ur involvement with boating. And maybe, just maybe, we could even train our Fieldie to ultimately do water Search & Rescue.
The more research we did, the more we became quite enamored by the Field Spaniel. It seemed liked the perfect pet for us! THEN we realized how rare they really were....
After many e-mail exchanges with the breeder referral contact & other Field owners, we finally met our first Fieldies and that cinched it! When could we get a pup of our own??!!
So, the wait began, along with a fantastic friendship with the breeder, and almost a year later....Ellie came to our home.
But, it didn't stop with one pup. Very soon there were two & Ellie had a buddy to play and grow up with. Docker, our liver & tan male, came to join our home in late October, 2002.
And, as they say, since you can't have just one.... Cutter- Docker's son - joined us in May of 2006 then Myah in April 2008. (Cutter was taken from us way too soon in February, 2013 and Docker sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge in February, 2014 )